Be Excellent at Anything Summary
The Four Keys to Transforming the Way We Work and Live
Don’t you just feel that your job is sucking the life out of you? Well, it doesn’t really have to be that way! In “Be Excellent at Anything,” Tony Schwartz explains what you (whether a manager or an employee) can do to change this. And we have the summary!Who Should Read “Be Excellent at Anything”? And Why?
Technology should have been humanity’s savior. Unfortunately, it seems to have merely taken over of our lives. Especially, in the workspace, where it has transformed us into unhappy defocused, multitasking, atrophied machines. “Be Excellent at Anything” tackles these problems. And it is mostly directed at leaders and HR reps. However, dissatisfied employees may use its strategies as well. Just like anyone else.About Tony Schwartz
Tony Schwartz is the founder and CEO of The Energy Project, which addresses human performance. He is most famous as the co-author of Donald Trump’s “The Art of the Deal,” an endeavor he deeply regrets about today. Co-written with Jim Loehr, his latest book, “The Power of Full Engagement” has been translated in over 30 languages. It was both a “Wall Street Journal” and “New York Times” bestseller.“Be Excellent at Anything Summary”
Do you know what “citius, altius, fortius” means? How can you: Latin classes are way back and your memory… well, it’s certainly not unlimited! Let us help you: the answer is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”! Does it ring a bell? Of course, it does! It’s the Olympics motto! And it’s been used in many motivational and inspirational videos! So many, in fact, that by now you’ve probably forgotten that it’s sports-related only. What? Exactly! The “more, bigger, faster” strategies don’t really work in the workspace environment! Unfortunately, if anything, they only amount to frustration after frustration! Is there a way out? Yes, there is! And it’s a 4-step program which addresses all of a person’s basic needs. Let’s have a look at it – step by step! 1. Sustainability: Body In an age of alternate facts, it’s no wonder that most of today’s businesses ignore science as well! And it’s evolution and science which got us here in the first place! For one thing, leaders seem to have forgotten that they are managing human beings. And that humans need to sleep, eat, and take rest from time to time! Unfortunately, these are the first things employees sacrifice when pushed to the wall! And eating and sleeping well changes not only the quality of your life, but also the quality of your work! Not resting enough or eating unhealthy things is what makes you brain and your decision-making abilities suffer! It’s your company’s duty to take care of this! So, all of you managers and leaders, wellness programs and fitness initiatives shouldn’t be optional – they should be mandatory! And the next time you see an employee of yours resting or stretching, don’t reproach him! Encourage him. It pays off fourfold! Not only with the happiness and the productiveness of that certain employee. But, also with your good image among the other employees, and their future mindset in terms of their physical health! 2. Security: Emotions According to “Be Excellent at Anything”, there are four different emotional energy zones: survival, burnout, renewal, and performance. No need to tell you which pair is the good one, right? Unfortunately, most of the workers out there exists solely in the survival and the burnout energy zone. They are impatient and angry, they are frustrated and anxious. In a way, they feel just as stressed as a man attacked by a lion felt millions of years ago! Sure, they can use this to their benefit, but survival mode leads to exhaustion and burnout. And, everybody loses when this occurs. So, renew the enthusiasm in your workers. Trigger their positive emotional responses, by being a maternal figure once in a while! Share your vision with them and make your employees feel as if they are part of a family! Not expendable goods, but unique genuine performers you care about! You’ll know when your employees are in performance mode. They’ll be optimistic, challenged and invigorated. And, what’s more, they’ll like you a lot! 3. Self-expression: Mind If you’re a manager, we can’t stress this loud enough: Stop making your employees multitask! Not only it doesn’t work, it actually doesn’t even exist! It makes your employees feel unproductive and unsatisfied. Consequently, unhappy. It’s their job to eliminate distractions and learn how to focus. However, it’s your job to give them an opportunity to set their minds straight. Yes, that means yoga! Mindful meditation has been proven to work over and over again! And happier people make for happier companies. No need to prove that. 4. Significance: Spirit Mindful meditation is only the first step towards finding your true self. Money motivates – but not as much as the feeling that work matters. Managers should be aware of this and learn that nobody wants to spend eight hours a day doing things nobody has any benefit of! Compassion, self-sacrifice (and other things Brené Brown usually talks about) – these are the things that make life worth living. Spend time with your employees to explain how their job matters. That can make even a frustrating job worthwhile.Key Lessons from “Be Excellent at Anything”
1. More, Bigger, Faster… Than What?2. The Four Keys to Transforming Your Work and Life
3. Managers and Leaders, Do the Right Thing
More, Bigger, Faster… Than What?
No, the Olympics motto is not a good strategy to run a company! It’s actually the worst one! It’s what makes managers bad people, and employees expendable goods in order to reach an unreachable goal! So, try to do more, and be bigger, and work faster – if you don’t care about your workers or yourself!The Four Keys to Transforming Your Work and Life
There are four areas that define a person’s life. “Be Excellent at Anything” delineates them as your body, your emotions, your mind, and your spirit. And it suggests that in order to be a good worker (or a happy man, for that matter), first, you need be in pretty good physical shape. Then, you need achieve a performance mode emotional state. Your mind needs to be free and mindful, and your spirit – zen and reaching out to others. Only then – things will make sense!Managers and Leaders, Do the Right Thing
So, if you’re a manager, there are few things you need to do to help your team achieve the condition of full potential. First of all, encourage your employees to physically care for themselves. Secondly, thank them and show them that you appreciate their work. Thirdly, trust them and give them more responsibilities. Finally, teach them how their work matters. And, break the rules when possible. You see, some companies work pretty well – even though they are unconventional as hell! (Since it rhymes – as Phoebe Buffay once taught us – it must be true.) Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.“Be Excellent at Anything” Quotes
The relentless urgency that characterizes most corporate cultures undermines creativity, quality, engagement, thoughtful deliberation and, ultimately, performance. In a significant number of cases, people actually get worse at their jobs over time. When something really matters, we bring vastly more energy to it: more focus, conviction, passion and perseverance. If you don’t truly love what you do, simply being good at it will never be deeply energizing or satisfying. An organization that invests in its people across all dimensions of their lives and rallies them around an inspiring purpose is actually investing in itself.
Our Critical Review
“Be Excellent at Anything” – which has an even catchier title now: “The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance” – is an all-in-one guidebook. It doesn’t really share many new insights, but, nevertheless, it combines many essential ones. And all of them ring true and seem applicable in the workspace! Less so – but still – in life as well! The book is readable and interesting, and we feel that companies will benefit from paying attention to the strategies it elucidates. The bottom line is – they’ve got nothing to lose trying! The fact that the book is based on serious case studies (Ford, Sony, Ernst & Young) is evidence enough that it’s not all wishful thinking!What’s Wrong with Work Summary
The 5 Frustrations of Work and How to Fix Them for Good
Do you hate your job? Are you sick and tired of meetings that seem to never end, of leaders who don’t know the basic laws of leadership, of juvenile office politics? Well, so are we! And so is Blaire Palmer who intends to help you fix your work-related problems for good. There’s a catch, though! She believes that there are only five. Think you can name about a thousand? So, did we. But, let’s tell you what Palmer thinks and we might just be able to change your mind.Who Should Read “What’s Wrong with Work”? And Why?
If you’re not a wealthy freelancer and you spend at least eight hours a day working, you’re bound to be interested in anything work-related. After all, it’s at least a third of your day we’re talking about! However, if you’re not a manager, “What’s Wrong with Work” is not a book you may be interested in. Namely, all of the solutions proposed here can be implemented by middle or upper-echelon personnel only. So, dear one-minute managers out there – read on!About Blaire Palmer
Blaire Palmer is one of the foremost leadership experts in the world. A former BBC Today producer, she became one of the first corporate coaches in the UK. She is a sought-after keynote speaker and a part-time columnist. Palmer has so far authored three books: “The Hyper-creative Personality”, “The Recipe for Success”, and “What’s Wrong with Work.”“What’s Wrong with Work Summary”
Put forward in an everyday discussion, Blaire Palmer’s question from her book’s title will probably get you rambling on and on about bosses, and colleagues, and projects, and whatnots! We don’t blame you! We think just like you and we believe that about 99% of the world’s population share our feelings! In fact, so does Palmer. Regardless of the subtitle, her book isn’t really a magic wand which will transform your mechanical job into a rollercoaster experience! It’s not like she has a 5-step program to convert the account “you” into a lion tamer! What she does have, however, are the recipes to get to the bottom of five frustrations of a more universal kind. Doing away with them, Palmer thinks, will make your office job much more pleasurable and fulfilling. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you’ll start loving your job if you didn’t at least like it in the first place! So, which are these five frustrations and what should you do about them? Here we go, one by one. 1. Waste-of-Time Meetings Now, that’s a problem you can relate to! How can it not be! On average, you spend about 37% of your day on meetings, and about half of that time is practically wasted. Let us do the math for you: You spend on these fancy get-togethers about 60 hours a month or more than a whole workweek. And out of these hours, roughly 30 you do nothing productive. That amounts to throwing away about a workday per week! Now, who would want that? And that doesn’t even take into account the hangover effect! What is that, you ask? You know it, you’ve felt it! It’s the time you need to recuperate and go back to your usual self after the meeting! If you’re a manager, the solution spells itself: First, reduce the number of meetings to only the most important ones. Then, reduce the number of people required to go to each of these meetings. Those who don’t add up to the value, don’t really need to be there. Finally, define the purpose and the goals of each meeting before it starts. And, don’t forget to prescribe time for each item on the agent. So that you know when to stop! 2. Mis-Leadership There are leaders and leaders! The main difference is that the good ones have good strategies! And, from time to time, decide to restructure them! Because, you see, if you’re a manager, there’s a good chance your employees hate you! And there’s an even better chance you don’t really know your employees. That’s the root of the problem, and the place where the solution starts. It’s not about money: after a certain point, it neither inspires nor helps. People are excited about working because of the achievements they reach, and the recognition they get. As a result of the work they do and the responsibilities they have. Due to the fact that they can advance and grow. Use this and break the rules! Then, rip the rewards. 3. Blurred Vision It is the power of his vision which makes for a powerful leader! Moreover, visions are not only the things which bind communities; they are what successful companies are built on. So, have a clear vision for your company from the start! And put it down in writing so that everyone knows it! 4. The Silo Mentality Just like money incentives, competition is only great up to a certain point! Afterward, it creates silos, i.e. segregated workspace. As a manager, it’s your duty to create an environment where competition is fun – not hostile! A simple coffee might do! Create an out-of-the-office network which will strengthen the in-the-office bonds! How hard can it be to train people who work the same job to not hate each other? Because, remember: that’s enough for a work network to function! 5. Unfairness You can be a little man and shout “it’s not fair” all you want to, but remedying unfairness starts with action! And if you’re a manager, you must teach your employees to act. Because, how else would you find out if they think that something’s not fair! So, teach them to act and share their views. Listen to them. And then act to your best judgements. Even not acting right will make your employees feel better, once they know they’ve been heard.Key Lessons from “What’s Wrong with Work”
1. The Meetings to End All Waste-of-Time Meetings2. Take a Cup of Coffee with Your Employees
3. Ask Yourself Will Your Mummy Allow It
The Meetings to End All Waste-of-Time Meetings
Time-saving begins with restructuring your meetings. And when it comes to them, Blaire Palmer sides with Patrick Lencioni’s four meeting types strategy, as explained in “Death by Meeting”. So, reduce all your meetings to these four types only: daily checks, weekly plans, monthly strategies, and quarterly overviews. The daily checks should last no more than five minutes. The weekly plans should cap a week and last about an hour. The monthly strategies are a two-hour-per topic conferences. And the quarterly overviews are about the big stuff and concern only the upper echelons.Take a Cup of Coffee with Your Employees
Whether it’s the company’s direction, or its internal structure, many things in your company depend on taking the time to drink a cup of coffee with your subordinates. They will like you more, you’ll get to know them better. And instead of a hostile environment, you’ll create a fun workspace!Ask Yourself Will Your Mummy Allow It
Many things are unfair in the world. Unfortunately, you look at all of them from your perspective only! But, can you stop doing this? After all, we’re all selfish and biased! Well, you can’t really. But it does help to ask yourself if your mother would approve of your actions. A good rule of thumb is that If she doesn’t – you need to make amends! Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.“What’s Wrong with Work” Quotes
Who can stop work being boring, frustrating, stressful, unhealthy, unfulfilling, limiting and meaningless? You. Leadership (and management) isn’t a science. It is an art. People working together can achieve far more than people slaving away in solitude. If you are open, no matter how thorny and unpopular the issue, people will respect you even if they don’t agree with your decision. Being a great leader-manager is about being a great person. People don’t want to follow a cardboard cut-out. They want to work alongside someone real.
Our Critical Review
True, books which promise to solve all your work-related problems sound suspicious to begin with. However, “What’s Wrong with Work” is a bit – and just a bit –different. Not in the way that it is capable of making a heaven out of the office hell; but in the way that it helps nevertheless. In other words, “What’s Wrong with Work” will certainly not make your job great again. But, it will make some aspects of it much more enjoyable. As we wrote above, it is primarily directed at managers, so, if you’re not one, most of the tweaks proposed here may be out of your reach. In which case, the only thing you can do with the book is recommend it to your superior. And hope that he will implement an suggestion or two.Sapiens Summary
A Brief History of Humankind From all kinds of creatures, humans were the ones that rose to the top. Why? What is so special about them? From the dusk of our species, up until present day – our summary of “Sapiens” tells you the story of humankind.Who Should Read “Sapiens”? and Why?
We are so small, a fraction in the universe, and yet, we have come to dominate the planet. How and why were we able to do this? “Sapiens” explores all aspects of human history that brought together made us who we are at present. We recommend this book to readers interested in evolution, and most of all to readers who want to understand how we wound up living in a capitalist community.About Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari is an author and a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He specializes in world and military history.“Sapiens Summary”
You know, us humans are pretty unique. From all species, we were the ones that survived, transformed and ultimately dominated the whole planet. Now, we are even moving further and trying to colonize space. So, whenever you feel like we are not much, think about that. However, how did we manage to get this far? We will start at the very beginning, from the dusk of our species. Humans first appeared in East Africa, about 2.5 million years, and, as far as we know, evolved from Australopithecus. These early humans, such as Homo erectus and Homo rudolfensis started migrating and moved from East Afrika to other more suitable environments. This migration led to the need for adaptation and thus, humans evolved into more types of Homo, including Homo neanderthalensis in Asia and Europe. Homo sapiens of what we know as modern humans appeared later, around 300 000 ago. They were not very different in a special way. They walked upright, had big brains, were highly social and used tools, but that was no different from other types of humans. Yet, they were the ones that preserved and spread all over the world, while the other species disappeared. You might be asking yourself: why? Scientists have come up with two theories to explain this. The first one is the interbreeding theory which argues that Homo sapiens merged with other species by starting to mate with them. Conversely, the replacement theory suggests that Homo sapiens had superior skills and technology, and thus pushed other species toward extinction. How? By violence, of course. Both of these theories are likely, and most probably the truth lies somewhere in between. Okay, but if other species went extinct because of Homo sapiens and the advantages they had, how did it come to the point when humans were superior to others? The answer to this question is logical: the human brain. Humans have a uniquely structured brain, which, around 70 000 years ago got transformed through an evolutionary leap otherwise known as cognitive revolution. This transformation made them more advanced and gave humans a sudden improvement in cognitive reasoning and brainpower. So, humans used their improved brain capabilities to outperform and surpass their rivals. They began forming more sophisticated communities, they improved their hunting tools and techniques and even started a primitive form of trade. These developments, although they might seem simple from a modern point of view, were very significant. Being advanced like that meant that Homo sapiens could survive even in the harshest of environments since they could find food and resources for sustainable unlike other species of human. Another thing that the cognitive revolution made possible was the journey to unknown places, i.e., it made humans travel and colonize even the most remote areas in the world. Starting from Africa, humans spread out all over the world. Soon we will move to successfully colonizing space.Key Lessons from “Sapiens”
1. The Importance of Language2. The Creation of Agricultural Societies
3. The Future of Humanity
The Importance of Language
Language is the best symbol of human sophistication. Human language is far more complicated than communication forms that other species use. The development of language is one of the most significant points in human history. Why? Language allows people to pass on valuable lessons, dangers, and most significantly – abstract concepts and ideas. Hence, they can create myths, and as you know, myths are the basis of human culture, and therefore, identity.The Creation of Agricultural Societies
Societies changed to agricultural communities for two reasons. First, the change to agriculture was not overnight, and by the time people learned that farming was slow and not immediate as hunting it was already too late. Second, agriculture has one big advantage which erases most of its faults – it is more efficient. Efficiency was crucial when the population grew. Turning to agriculture conditioned the emergence of trade and later, money.The Future of Humanity
We know our past, but how about what we can expect in the future? Technological and scientific developments are moving toward finding the cure for aging and discovering eternal life. So what are the limitations that we encounter? At the moment are mostly of legal and ethical nature. However, such barriers cannot last long, so it is possible that soon, we will no longer exist as Homo sapiens. Instead, we will become superspecies, part human, and part machine. Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.“Sapiens” Quotes
You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven. How do you cause people to believe in an imagined order such as Christianity, democracy or capitalism? First, you never admit that the order is imagined. One of history’s few iron laws is that luxuries tend to become necessities and to spawn new obligations. The romantic contrast between the modern industry that “destroys nature” and our ancestors who “lived in harmony with nature” is groundless. Long before the Industrial Revolution, Homo sapiens held the record among all organisms…History is something that very few people have been doing while everyone else was ploughing fields and carrying water buckets.
Our Critical Review
Yuval Noah Harari tells the history of humankind in a fun and entertaining way. His focus is on the three types of revolution: cognitive, agricultural and scientific, and how those points in evolution changed humankind. He does not write about facts only, he also explores and discusses topics to which there is no real answer at the moment. Hence, he explores not only what happened, but what could have happened if some things were different.One Nation Summary
What We Can All Do to Save America’s Future Author Ben Carson is deeply worried about America’s future. In the following summary, we give an overview of those worries, along with some of the “cures” he presents in his book “One Nation.”Who Should Read “One Nation”? and Why?
America has many problems: from media and ignorance to faith and morality. Not talking about it does not mean that they do not exist. Ben Carson takes a stand and raises his voice against America’s most pressing issues. He presents a down to earth worldview and advice which can help deal with them. We recommend “One Nation” to people interested in politics, as well as those concerned about the future of America.About Ben Carson and Candy Carson
Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon who was thinking about running for president in 2016. Candy Carson is the co-founder of the Carson Scholars Fund and the author’s wife.“One Nation Summary”
Have you ever been in a situation in which you wanted to say something but were unsure if it is politically correct? So you stayed silent. But, let us tell you, that was a mistake. Political correctness forbids people to speak freely about an increasing number of topics. It is not fruitful; in fact, all it does is prevent discussions that can move nations forward. So what does America suffer from? The first problem that comes across is ignorance of history. Understanding and remembering the history means to understand the country’s foundations. Many people nowadays do the opposite. Take religion for example. So many secular progressives not only forget the importance religion had in building America, but they also try to remove it from the modern human’s life. Another form of ignorance is bigotry. In other words, the more sheltered one is, the less he will understand the perspectives of those who are unfamiliar to him. Bigotry results in ruined social relationships and blindness in front of the real issues we should deal with instead. Now, the author really worries about America’s future. Why? Well, he first got worried when his friends, who were wealthy people, became victims of changes that led them to have little to leave to their children. He draws a parallel with America. Just like his friends, America has little to leave to its children (except national debt). America is climbing a dangerous mountain along with its debt. Soon it will have to adopt fiscal responsibility to survive. Yes, it might be unpleasant, but at least it grants survival. But if things are that bad, what can we do? What can America do? First, the country needs to stand up to bullying by the bigots, restless spenders, and liberal elites. Next, we should welcome disagreement. We need to find mutual respect for different opinions, which means refraining from name-calling even when angry. Why is respect so important? Because when parties respect each other, they will see past their disagreements, identify what is important to them, and find a compromise. Furthermore, the country should make a culture of learning. Learning is not only important for finding a job, but for creating a healthy society and political system as well. What we mean is that politicians almost always take advantage of ignorant voters. So, understanding of science, finance, current events and past trends allows citizens to evaluate the truthfulness of politician’s promises and governance. Education also leads to success and prosperity. But keep in mind that expertise is not the same as wisdom. Many educated people hardly make a living, while others find success despite never finishing university. This, of course, does not mean that higher education should not be pursued, but it does show that using knowledge is more significant than just attaining it.Key Lessons from “One Nation”
1. Don’t Give a Person Bread – Teach Him How to Make It2. The Need to Rehearse
3. Questioning Morality
Don’t Give a Person Bread – Teach Him How to Make It
If you help someone by giving them some money, you are not helping them. Similarly, when providing handouts, the country keeps its citizens poor, by building dependency on donations in exchange for votes. This is not a solution to the problem. People used to handouts do not want to work, even if they are healthy and able to take care of themselves. They learned to behave and think like that, so they can unlearn it. How? By letting people take responsibility for their own choices.Finding Real Role Models
You probably had a role model while you were growing up. We all did when we were children. Many of us still do as adults. However, times have changed and the people children look up to do little to intellectually contribute to the world we live in. Help your kid look for a better role model. Parents, teachers, inventors, historical figures are all persons who make a change and hence serve as an excellent example for your kid.Questioning Morality
What is right and what is wrong? How do we determine it? These questions are eternal and do not only influence the individual but the country too. In the past Americans looked to God to guide them through hard times and moral dilemmas. But, as time goes by, religion loses its spotlight. In times of confusion, such as the times we live in, looking to God for answers may be just what we need. Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.“One Nation” Quotes
Disagreement is part of being a person who has choices. One of those choices is to respect others and engage in intelligent conversation about differences of opinion without becoming enemies, eventually allowing us to move forward to… If Americans simply choose to vote for the person who has a D or an R by their name, we will get what we deserve, which is what we have now. There is no freedom without bravery. While wisdom dictates the need for education, education does not necessarily make one wise. If we are to put an end to division, people from all political persuasions will have to stop fighting one another and seek true unity, not just a consensus that benefits one party.Our Critical Review
Ben Carson is an influential figure who put his views on building a new, better world in “One Nation.” You may not agree with everything he writes, but what is important is that the text is thought-provoking and flows nicely.Million Dollar Consulting Summary
The Professional’s Guide to Growing a Practice Do you want to be a consultant? We will show you how! Read on.Who Should Read “Million Dollar Consulting”? and Why?
Many people who are not suited for the nine-to-five kind of life decide to use their knowledge, experience, and skills by becoming consultants. “Million Dollar Consulting” tells you everything there is to know about the field. It gives you the tools you need to create long-lasting relationships with your clients and grow your business. We recommend this read to everyone who considers becoming a successful consultant or hiring one.About Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss is an author of more than 50 books and the founder of Summit Consulting Group. He was named as one of the top one percent of the National Speaker Association’s speakers and has consulted for a vast number of companies.“Million Dollar Consulting Summary”
If you want to become a lawyer, you need to go to law school and pass the bar, and then you get the certificate which lets you practice law. That is straightforward, isn’t it? Well, many professions have clear requirements, but almost anyone can be a consultant. What does being consultant mean? A consultant is someone who can use his skills and talents to create components that their clients’ businesses do not have. The value that consultants add to the companies comes from two places: content and process expertise. Content expertise comes from study and work experience in a specialized industry. This expertise consists of the talents and skills that fueled your success in one specific field. Process expertise does not limit itself to specific industries and consists of a set of practical methods. In other words, you can apply it in any environment. Process consulting is more valuable than content expertise since it is more general and you can apply it in different areas and thus make up for the lack of content expertise. Now that you know the difference between the two sources of the value consultants adds, we move on to defining how you can measure the quality of your work. Remember that being a consultant is all about results, which means that quantifying your tasks is not a proper way of assessing the quality of your work. Instead, opt for determining the value you add to the businesses of your clients. So, if there are so many consultants out there, what can set you apart? First, think of your mission statement. When you are coming up with it, make sure that it is not too vague. A good mission statement includes the intended results and specific goals a consultant has. Next, show your clients how you add value and try to differentiate yourself and your services from others. Keep in mind that the basis of your strategy should always be the quest for growth, both personal and financial. Now, to become the best possible consultant, you have to strive to become irreplaceable to your client. You can do this by creating a lasting bond with them, which will let you maximize your fees and keep your task pipeline filled. In other words, you need to become a strategic thinker. A strategic thinker will even discount his fees for unique opportunities if such an opportunity gives you a window to learn more about your client’s business. Each project you take will increase both your experience, your worth and consequently, your fee. But all of this comes with a price. You will regularly have to learn and find new ways to add value to your clients’ business. Adding more value to your clients adds more numbers to your income. However, money is not the only takeaway. Each assignment you will successfully finish will also improve your network by leaving you with a strengthened relationship with your client. Just imagine the word-of-mouth marketing a satisfied client can give you! So, make sure that you always get something from your assignments. Conversely, if a business does not keep up with your growth strategy – don’t do it. You cannot let bad clients hold you back. So keep your standards and fees up, but even more importantly, keep the quality above them both.Key Lessons from “Million Dollar Consulting”
1. The Roads Companies Use to Find a Consultant2. Four Reasons Clients Reject Your Services
3. Balance Between Work and Play
The Roads Companies Use to Find a Consultant
Word-of-mouth marketing leads the clients directly to you. It is based on direct recommendations by past clients or someone who has heard of you, so there’s not much you can do about this. What you can do is make sure you do not just deliver great work, but also treat your clients well and pave a path toward a long-term relationship. An outstanding body of work – everything you have so far done increases your visibility. Use your past work as your credibility, since people respond best when you show them proof of the value you added to others.Four Reasons Clients Reject Your Services
No money – if you explain the kind of services you offer, i.e., the value you deliver, your fees will seem more reasonable. No urgency – just like for the first reason, if you make your added value big enough, you will appear more urgently needed. No need – although clients know what they want, they do not always know what they need. So, it is up to you to be the one who identifies their needs and use that as your selling point. No trust – you need to create a relationship with your client by making them believe you that you have their best interests in mind.Balance Between Work and Play
First, understand that there is no personal and professional life. There is just life. Your life. So, eliminate any time boundaries and do as you please. Work when you want to work and unwind when you need unwinding. Being an independent consultant gives you this luxury. Furthermore, enjoy all the variety that surrounds you. Do new things, avoid being alone and look for inspiration in others. Lastly, your body is your temple, so take care of it. Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.“Million Dollar Consulting” Quotes
You grow based on exploiting strengths, not by acclimating to weaknesses. Abraham Maslow observed: When the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. Too many consultants fall in love with their own methodology. Success in this business comes from marketing, not from the depth of consulting expertise. I know that this is heresy to many of you, but all the nonrainmaking consulting gurus… One Percent Solution: Videotape clients giving you testimonials and place these on your Web site home page. This is the most dramatic video marketing tool that I know of. Always ask yourself, Would I be proud of this if it appeared all over the Internet tomorrow?
Our Critical Review
While reading the book, you get that the Weiss is experienced and that he knows what he is talking about, which makes his advice credible and invaluable.Man, the State and War Summary
A Theoretical Analysis Why do wars happen? In the following text, we summarize Kenneth Waltz’s study on the causes of war, from an anthropological, psychological and political perspective.Who Should Read “Man, the State, and War”? and, Why?
We have not seen a world war for a long time. However, all over the world, many countries are at war. So, the questions on the nature of war and the search for prevention measures are still relevant. In “Man, the State and War” the author tackles these questions by exploring different ideas and theories of prominent thinkers and philosophers throughout history. We recommend this book to readers interested in politics and international relations.About Kenneth N. Waltz
Kenneth N. Waltz was an author and political scientist.Kenneth N. Waltz He taught at the Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies at Columbia, as well as at Harvard and Peking University.“Man the State and War Summary”
Everyone has their own opinion about anything and everything. The same stands true for the topic of war. The reasons in people’s minds vary from economic crises to power-hungry leaders to authoritarian regimes. In the following text, we will present to you the three main ideas regarding the causes of war that were present throughout history. These ideas are referred to as images. The first-image thinkers link the reasons for war directly to human nature. Although all of the representatives of this group agree that the reason for war is human nature, the disagreements happen when it comes to defining human nature, and hence the cure. According to their views on the cure, first-image thinkers can be optimists or pessimists. The optimists argue that human nature is improbable, and so, according to them, education is the cure for war. The pessimists, on the other hand, believe that human nature is not only unchangeable but also evil at its core. So, the only possible cure for war is external control. You have to give it to them, at first glance it seems that first-image thinkers are right, since you could not find another explanation for starting conflict except the corrupted and egoistic human nature. However, you have to bear in mind that on the opposite side of war, there is peace, in many countries in the world. So, there must be something good in human nature as well. Second-image thinkers disagree with everything we just said. Instead, they believe that the cause of war lies in the internal structure of the country. In other words, if only the right structure would be adopted globally, the world would be at peace. Of course, not all of them agree on all points of the theory. So, they divide themselves into a liberal and socialist group of second-image thinkers. Liberals believe that decentralization, free-trade and freedom from governmental regulation discourages war and prevents conflict. Why? Because according to them the interests of people become interconnected through trade agreements, and thus wars would benefit them less than peace. Socialists do not agree. They believe that free trade is the actual reason that would lead to internal and external conflicts. According to them, the class struggle manifests in war. The conclusion? The abolishment of capitalism and the triumph of socialism will cure all reasons for war. Lastly, the third-image thinkers see the international scene as lawless anarchy, which is the reason for conflict. In other words, they argue that the only way to avoid violence and conflict is introducing a universal superior or higher institution of power. Now that we looked at the three different understandings on what fuels war, we will continue to the key lessons, where we will present the main problems with each of these views.Key Lessons from “Man, the State and War”
1. Problems With The First-Image Thinkers’ Theory2. Problems With The Second-Image Thinkers’ Theory
3. Problems With The Third-Image Thinkers’ Theory
Problems With The First-Image Thinkers’ Theory
There are several problems with the optimists’ understanding of human nature. First, even if it is possible to change many people, there would still exist many more people to change. Second, all of the ways to create world order they propose state just one philosophy that can cure war. However, it is impossible to find a universal cure, since all people imagine the ideal world differently. Finally, they only see the problem in human nature, which is a limitation.Problems With The Second-Image Thinkers’ Theory
The problem with the liberal assumption that it is in every individual’s interest not to go to war is that not always are the individuals’ interests represented in the government. The socialists’ theory has a similar shortcoming. Namely, they believe that each party’s rationality would help them overcome their conflicting viewpoints and find the best possible outcome. Indeed, we could not rule against the notion that if international socialism existed, it could cure war since it was never established. However, if we look at past experiences, we can easily conclude that its success is quite unlikely.Problems With The Third-Image Thinkers’ Theory
Third-image thinkers believe that a world government would prevent war. However, even if such a government existed, there can be no guarantee that the leaders of it would act in the best interest of its member states, instead of in self-interest. The chances of corruption in such a government cannot be ignored. So, it is highly unlikely that such a government would come into existence and be effective. Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.“Man, the State and War” Quotes
War and the threat of war stimulate speculation upon the conditions of peace. In wars, there is no victory, but only varying degrees of defeat. Attempts to eliminate war, however nobly inspired and assiduously pursued, have brought little more than fleeting moments of peace among states. If one asks whether we can now have peace where in the past there has been war, the answers are most often pessimistic. Perhaps this is the wrong question. When Ranke argued that the external relations, as states, determine their internal conditions, his argument had considerable cogency.Our Critical Review
“Man, the State and War” is a classic. The author backs his theory by referring to historical, political and social examples. The book is full of valuable insight and approaches the analysis of the reasons for war in a clear and concise manner.The Wonder Weeks Summary
How to Stimulate the Most Important Developmental Weeks in Your Baby’s First 20 Months and Turn these 10 Predictable, Great, Fussy Phases into Magical Leaps Forward At one moment your baby smiles, at the next, it burst out crying. You have no idea what went wrong! Is it hungry? Did it hurt itself? Do not worry; it is completely normal. Read our summary of “The Wonder Weeks” and understand what happens in moments like that.Who Should Read “The Wonder Weeks”? and Why?
The first year and a half after your baby is born are the time when a chain of neurological changes happens to your child. The sequence of these changes follows a universal pattern. In “The Wonder Weeks” authors Hetty van de Rijt and Frans Plooij explain all the changes that lie ahead in the next 18 months. We recommend this book to all parents to be, parents who want to understand their baby’s behavior better, as well as psychologists and pediatricians interested in infant development. Getting what your baby is going through and why it acts the way it does, will help you be more supportive during your child’s developmental stages.About Hetty van de Rijt and Frans Plooij
Hetty van de Rijt and Frans Plooij were a husband and wife that after studying psychology showed interest in infant development. In the 70s, they studied young chimpanzees in Tanzania, before dedicating two decades to studying human babies.“The Wonder Weeks Summary”
Your baby cries! But why? You fed it, you caressed it, and you tucked him in his cradle to sleep. There is nothing to cry about! Now, stop panicking. It is natural that you are worried, but a crying baby is not that bad of a thing. No, it does not mean that it hurt itself, that its tummy hurts, or that it is hungry. More often than not it means that it is developing. Let us explain. During the first year and a half of their lives, babies go through regular developmental leaps, which prepare them for the world. In other words, in these months they experience changes in the way they perceive the world and themselves in it. So, when a baby cries, it is a signal that it is in the process of learning something new. These changes happen according to a pattern for all babies, with slight variations in the exact timing. To make it clearer, we will present you a brief timeline of the changes you might expect. Let’s start with the first cry. When the baby is first born, it cries because it is no longer in the warm, liquid environment present in the womb, to which it is accustomed. In the first few weeks of their life, newborns react to noise and movement, but they do so automatically. However, around the five-week mark, the baby starts exercising more control over its senses. You will surely notice the way that it looks at you is no longer an automatic response, but a deliberate effort to see you. This newfound awareness of the sense is both exciting and fun for babies, as well as it is tiring. Around seven to eight weeks, babies begin to differentiate their bodies from the environment. In other words, they discover that they can move parts of their bodies deliberately. And once they do, they will start exploring everything that is within the range of their hands. Additionally, they will begin trying out different positions using each part of their bodies, including vocal cords and facial muscles. Now you understand where all of those hilarious faces originate from! Around week nineteen, babies learn movement sequences. As a result, they will start exercising fluid motions and repetitions. At this stage, babies also begin to connect sounds in words. It is during this phase that the baby talk occurs. What’s interesting about baby talk is that it is universal – all children start with the same kind of babble. This was just a brief overview of the phases. Next, we will move to the key lessons, where we explore even more occurrences you might find problematic. But first, we want to make sure that you understand that all of these phases the baby goes through are normal. The bad news is that you most probably will not be able to avoid all the fussing and crying. The good news is that you are a great parent and you are not doing anything wrong. Whew! Isn’t that a relief?Key Lessons from “The Wonder Weeks”
1. What Happens When the Baby Seems to Be Regressing?2. The Discovery of Options
3. Mood Swings
What Happens When the Baby Seems to Be Regressing?
If you ever feel that your baby is regressing instead of developing (feeling afraid of things it used to approach fearlessly), do not worry. As we already said, the baby’s perception of the world changes, and along with it so do its feelings.The Discovery of Options
At the point when babies start to think more abstractly, they discover options. Around week 64, your baby develops autonomy and willpower and starts building its own strategies. That is the reason that babies of this age stop sharing their toys or food, and become more possessive. Once they realize they can make various choices, babies start learning about boundaries.Mood Swings and Clinginess
The growth of your baby’s brain will be just as tricky as teething. During this process of worldview expansion, babies will experience mood swings and become clingier to their parents. Be patient as your baby explores this brand new world it just arrived in! You can even make it fun by coming up with appropriate games for its development stages. Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.“The Wonder Weeks” Quotes
Let him cry, it’s good for his lungs” is not the solution mothers wish to hear. Disregarding the problem does not make it go away. Secure the safety gates by the stairs on the second or third step, and allow him to practice going up and down stairs. Place a mattress at the bottom of the stairs, so that he can not hurt himself. Your baby may start sleeping less well. Most babies do. She may refuse to go to bed, fall asleep less easily, and wake up sooner. Some are especially hard to get to sleep during the day. Others at night. And some stay up longer both… In the world of principles your little one will think ahead, contemplate, consider the consequences of her actions, make plans and evaluate them. She will come up with strategies: “Should I ask dad or grandma to get the candy? Her head movements also become smoother, and she can now vary their speed. She can look around the room in the way that older children do and follow a continuous movement.
Our Critical Review
This book is a must-have for every parent! It is detailed and immensely helpful.The Lucifer Effect Summary
Understanding How Good People Turn Evil How many times have you asked yourself “why are people so evil?” Well, we have the answer! It turns out that our nature is not the one that decides on which side of the good/evil line we fall, but the circumstances that surround us. Now, let’s expand this conclusion more in detail.Who Should Read “The Lucifer Effect”? and Why?
Can you guess the meaning of the title? Lucifer was an angel who challenged God’s authority and was sent to hell along with other fallen angels. There he becomes Satan, the personification of all evil. You can already guess what “The Lucifer Effect” is about. Good can indeed go bad. But how does this happen? What are the preconditions for turning evil? We recommend this book to all readers who want to get a better understanding of human nature, as well as to those who wish to know why good people can turn evil.About Philip Zimbardo
Philip Zimbardo, famous for his Stanford prison experiment, used to teach psychology at Stanford University. He is also an author and a former president of the American Psychological Association.“The Lucifer Effect Summary”
Try to think of a time when you took something that was not yours, while no one was watching. Most people have a memory of something like that. No, it is not the greatest of evils, but it shows that sometimes we are willing to do things which we would not do if the situation did not allow it. However, in our conception of the world, we adopt the notion that some people are born evil, and that is it. The truth is somewhat different. In reality, the line between good and evil is fragile, and people can pass it. So pointing fingers and the assumptions that only evil people do evil deeds are wrong. So, what makes good people do bad things? Psychologists and psychiatrists focus on dispositional causes, or the inborn traits of our behavior such as character, genetic, pathologies. However, although we do carry these attributes with us, there are some situational causes which are more responsible for our behavior than our inherent characteristics. Just think of the way you behave around your friends and the way you act around small children. You can see a different image of yourself, can’t you? What we want to say is that personalities and human character are not static. They do change, according to the circumstances and the social contexts that surround you. This perception is called the situational approach to comprehending human conduct. What it means is that you become what you need to become based on the situation you are in. Okay, it is clear that some circumstances can turn ordinary people into monsters. But what are the specific factors? One vital aspect of the transformation of individuals is obedience to authority. It does not matter what “authority” is – it can be a human, a set of rules, or an institution. What is important is that most people choose to be obedient even if it means to be cruel. Authority figures, as history shows, can turn from good to evil as well. Followers rarely disobey. They also follow the change. Another thing that can cause evil deeds to happen is a lack of personal responsibility. In these cases we talk about deindividuation which leads to carrying out evil actions, when you believe are anonymous. Studies show that people are more tempted to be evil when they think that no one will recognize them. Disguising one’s appearance and acting in places where the chances of being recognized are low are two ways to inspire deindividuation. Most people around the globe believe they are morally upright. But history is full of examples of cruelty to humans, from fellow humans. How can we justify this? By dehumanization, or the process of stopping to see someone as fully human. Understanding this concept is critical in comprehending discrimination, prejudice, and racism. When others are seen as inhuman, they automatically become unworthy of moral considerations and thus are targets of cruelty. Another enabler of evil is the ability to cover evil deeds with words that make them sound justifiable and even reasonable. In other words, a cover story can justify immoral action. The term cover story is used in social psychology, while in real life situations, we know this concept under the term “ideology.” With the right ideological frame, evil deeds can be masked not only as good but as honorable as well. We mentioned a lot of evil enablers. And indeed, there are many. Right now you might be wondering about the complete opposite. If evil can happen in so many ways and because of so many things, then what does it take to be a good person? You will find some of the answers in the key lessons below.Key Lessons from “The Lucifer Effect”
1. Do Not Avoid Responsibility2. Stop Obeying Unjust Authority
3. What Makes a Hero?
Do Not Avoid Responsibility
Always consider yourself responsible for your choices, and stop any excuses that may arise in your mind. If no one can see you, it does not mean that what you are doing is not happening.Stop Obeying Unjust Authority
Start thinking for yourself, and if you ever feel that authority is unjust, stop following and obeying it. Always questions the ideologies that people present to you that justify evil acts.What Makes a Hero?
It is one thing to avoid evil, and it is entirely another thing to do something about it. Two main characteristics define heroes. First, heroes do something while everyone else is passive. And second, they are altruistic and put others before themselves. We all have the potential to become a hero or a monster. The choice is yours. Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.“The Lucifer Effect” Quotes
If you put good apples into a bad situation, you’ll get bad apples. Sticks and stones can break your bones, but names can kill you. The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces. Heroes are those who can somehow resist the power of the situation and act out of noble motives, or behave in ways that do not demean others when they easily can. The level of shyness has gone up dramatically in the last decade. I think shyness is an index of social pathology rather than a pathology of the individual.Our Critical Review
Zimbardo connects the dots from being an angel to becoming evil. His writing is detailed and comprehensive and is a wonderful read for all readers interested in psychology.Numbers Rule Your World Summary
The Hidden Influence of Probability and Statistics on Everything You Do An invisible force guides our lives. No, it is not God, it is statistics. But if numbers play such a vital role in our lives, why don’t we pay them more attention? In the following summary, we give you an overview of the five principles of statistical thinking, which can make significant changes in your life.Who Should Read “Numbers Rule Your World”? and Why?
Kaiser Fung has created “Numbers Rule Your World” as a guideline that you can use to understand statistical information and improve your world. You can use this kind of reasoning in various contexts. We recommend this book to readers who want to reap the benefits of statistical reasoning, as well as those interested in statistics overall.About Kaiser Fung
Kaiser Fung is an author and statistician, holding degrees from Harvard Business School, Princeton University and the University of Cambridge.“Numbers Rule Your World Summary”
Have you ever been in a bank, waiting in like thinking that if they had just one more person working, all the lines would be shorter? We get that it may seem that adding workers would lead to shorter queues, but surprisingly it is not the case. Wait, what? Yes! According to studies, it is the changing pattern of when customers arrive and not the average number of customers arriving that makes the queues long. What does this mean? Well, if businesses would accurately predict demand, they could create the capacity to accommodate it. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done. Let’s take another example. At amusement parks, people also wait in lines. Statisticians argue that even if workers accurately predicted the number of visitors, a line would still form since customers come at irregular intervals during the day. And, of course, the rides’ capacities are fixed. What we wanted to explain with this example is that planning for capacity is possible when it comes to average rises in demand, but not when it comes to fluctuating demand. Statistics can be used everywhere! It can be used for determining a person’s creditworthiness, for determining the sources of diseases, to deciding whether one is lying, for insurance, etc. What is important to note is that statistic reasoning uses the differences between groups of people. It does not matter what kind of a difference is in play, in any case, differences are fundamental. For example, statistics take into consideration these differences during designing exams. For standardized exams to be fair, statisticians must make sure that they omit the questions which give preference to one group over another. It is logical: a question would be unfair if the phrasing is more apparent to the African-American community than for the white exam-takers. However, how do they determine which questions are fair and which are not? They do so by making a statistical analysis, based on the performance of black and white students on every question. However, the racial background is not the only thing that is important when conducting such an analysis. Statisticians have to take into consideration the educational background and the success of the test-takers. In other words, they must not compare between a group of high-performers with a group of low-performers. What this means is that the comparison does not happen between just white and African-American students, but between both low-performing and high-performing students coming from each demographic. It seems that nowadays it is difficult to keep the truth hidden. Just think of all methods developed to uncover the truth: from drug tests to lie detectors. However, you have to keep in mind that there is not a 100 percent chance for anything. In other words, exceptions exist, and there will always be someone who gets away with it, whatever it is.Key Lessons from “Numbers Rule Your World”
1. Lie Detector Tests2. Finding the Cause of Diseases
3. Questioning Obvious Patterns
Lie Detector Tests
Polygraphs are prone to some unavoidable trade-offs. They work by analyzing the subject’s blood pressure and breathing while they answer a series of questions. The collected medical statistics show the changes in the person’s psychological state, and thus points to false information. Detectives want to avoid false negatives, or guilty people going free. However, what this means is that many innocent people get accused because of false positives.Finding the Cause of Diseases
Epidemiologists find the cause of a disease by using statistics to come up with causal relationships that can point to the origin of the disease’s outbreak. For instance, let’s imagine that several patients show signs and test positive for E. coli. Just by studying these few cases, epidemiologists can predict the disease’s source and hence protect others from it. How do they do that? By questioning patients about what they eat, finding foods in common and using statistics to reveal the source.Questioning Obvious Patterns
In 1999 an EgyptAir jetliner crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, leaving no survivors. However, before this tragedy happened, three other jets followed the same scenario around the same location, in the past four years. As a result, many people avoided flying in the area. The logic they followed was that the crash of four planes in four years is too much of a big coincidence. Statisticians, on the other hand, questioned this obvious pattern and looked at the bigger picture. Thet found four crashed planes and millions of others safely traveling in the same airspace. As a result, they realized that it is all up to odds: one in ten million planes crash. Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.“Numbers Rule Your World” Quotes
The safest part of your journey is over. Now drive home safely. The modern obsession with measurement has made us none the wiser. Statisticians do not care much for the popular concept of the statistical average; instead, they fixate on any deviation from the average. Statisticians worry about how large these variations are, how frequently they occur, and why they exist. We should worry more about the variability of waiting time than about its average.
Personal Kanban Summary
Mapping Work / Navigating Life There are many time management methods out there that promise to fix your chaotic schedule, but usually, none of them give results. If you are anything like me, you have tried a few and found that you still lacked time. So, what reason could we give you that would make you try Personal Kanban? Well, our reason is simple: it works! Still not convinced? Read on.Who Should Read “Personal Kanban”? and Why?
The Kanban system was first developed by Toyota to streamline their production and has been adopted by many other companies since. Personal Kanban is something like the original Kanban, just customized to fit your own life. We recommend “Personal Kanban” to people who wish to put a stop to procrastination and gain control of their time, as well as those wanting to strike a balance between professional and personal life finally.About Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry
Jim Benson is a management consultant and the co-owner of the software development copy Modus Cooperandi. He has previously worked for a wide range of organizations: government agencies, startups, Fortune 10 corporations. He uses Personal Kanban to improve working environments. Tonianne DeMaria Barry is a management consultant, with a professional background in the fashion industry, government agencies, Fortune 100 corporations, non-profit associations, and startups.“Personal Kanban Summary”
Have you ever had work piled up, making you stressed and anxious, and not giving you space to breathe? I am in such a situation right now, and I know the feeling can be overwhelming. When I think about how much work I have yet to do, even a simple coffee break with my neighborhood friend seems something impossible. I know you have been there. We all have been there, regardless of how many times we have told ourselves that next time we will manage our time better. So why does this happen, again and again? The stress we experience is connected to our inability to separate our work and personal time, which as a result leads to a disturbed work-life balance. It seems logical. Our personal and work life are part of the same life after all. Now, let me tell you where we go wrong. Even though these two parts of our life create our whole experience, most of the time we pay attention to one part only (usually the work life). For instance, we do not set reminders to hang out with friends, and write down endless to-do lists for our work. What happens is that we do all the tasks, and then have no time and energy for socializing. We cannot live happily like that. To live a happy life, we need to learn to achieve a healthy balance. But how can we do that? You guessed right: with the Personal Kanban. The Personal Kanban is a tool that will help you get a visual sense of all your activities and to-dos and will help you find the path to your long-term objectives. If you stayed with us until now, you probably already decided that you could use improved organization. Great! All you need for this process is a whiteboard, sticky notes, and a pen, and you are set to start mapping your more organized future. Now let’s discuss what you need to do. First, you need to decide which medium you want to use to create your Kanban – is it a computer, or a whiteboard. We prefer a whiteboard since you can put it someplace where you can see it every day. Once you have done this, we can start setting up your Personal Kanban. The first step is drawing three or more columns which will represent various stages of progress: ready, doing, done. As you move through tasks, you will rearrange them from column to column. Next, create your backlog by pinning down each goal you ever wanted to achieve, but never found the time to. This is where the sticky notes will come on hand. Do not hold yourself back, just write anything you can think of. Lastly, decide the maximum number of work-in-progress tasks you think you can handle at once. We recommend you to not take too many tasks at once since you will be more productive if you have fewer things to concentrate on. Note that each person has a different “sweet spot” so pick a number and work from there. Over time you will find your optimal number. And just like that – you are done! Really? Yes, really! Setting up your Personal Kanban is easy and straightforward. But now it is time for the hard part: putting it into action. Do not worry; we will briefly guide you through it too. After you have set up the Personal Kanban, the first thing you should do is take on new tasks. Pick the most pressing tasks and place them in the ready column. Over time, move the tasks with high priority from ready to doing, immediately after time frees up. The sweetest reward you will receive is the moment you can move the tasks into the done column. Okay, we covered how you can set up and implement your Personal Kanban. The next question is why, as in: what can it do for you? Read our key lessons to find out the some of the answers to this question.Key Lessons from “Personal Kanban”
1. Learning to Say No2. The Ultimate Time Management Tool
3. Group Commitments Tracker
Learning to Say No
Personal Kanban stops you from overburdening your brain by limiting the number of things on your to-do list. As a result of setting realistic to-do goals, you end up being more productive, less distracted and more creative.The Ultimate Time Management Tool
Personal Kanban helps you track your activities, and thus shows you the areas that consume most of your time. Being aware of how you spend your time will let you organize it better. Group Commitments TrackerPersonal Kanban is not only useful for your personal productivity, but it works its magic with groups too. By visualizing everyone’s commitments clearly, you will know what is next, and who should do it. Like this summary? We’d Like to invite you to download our free 12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks.
“Personal Kanban” Quotes
Much of this waste reduction comes from Lean’s goal of a “kaizen” culture. Kaizen is a state of continuous improvement where people naturally look for ways to improve poorly performing practices. Real-time flexibility beats rigid up-front planning. In the beginning, it’s advisable to focus on the flow of your work and the idea that your work actually has a shape. Educated guesswork is no substitute for thoughtful observation. Planning should occur with minimal waste; it shouldn’t become overhead.